Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wisdom, Wrongs, and Whoopie With The Davidson's!!!

Hello Lovies!! 
Today is a very dreamy day over here. 
We have our SECOND installation of 
Wisdom, Wrongs and Whoopie
Does it get better?
Don't think so! 

Today we have a DARLING couple, you can't help but fall head over heals for them in a matter of seconds. After I finished reading their interview I couldn't resist just smiling. They're so lovely, so fun and so dang cute! I just want to pinch their cheeks! {too weird?} And besides being so completely scrumptious they are wise beyond their years, I think they are young lovers with old souls, you can really feel the love between them. It gave me butterflies!!  

They are
 Mr. and Mrs. Davidson 
Russell and the gorgeous Jaleen

I went to high school with both of them 
{They were high school sweethearts!!!} 
Jaleen was always such a sweetheart and she always looked fabulous in her cute little A&F outfits! 
{A&F was the sh*t at the time ;) } 
The only thing I DON'T like about these two is that they live in San Francisco!
Why you gotta be so far away!?!
I know if they loved closer I would probably try and hang out with them 24/7 and be a stage 5 clinger because I'm a little bit obsessed with them so maybe it's a good thing they're in SF :)

Here's the Gorgeous couple on their Wedding Day! 
And here is their interview answers... grab a tissue and prepare to laugh!! 

1. How long have you been married?

Jaleen: We have been married for a little over a year and a half. 

Russell: A year and a half (together for 9)

2. What made you realize you could spend the rest of your life with one another?

Jaleen: When we went on a three week national parks road trip in my little VW bug, complete with a tiny two-person tent and stainless steal wine glasses. We camped in below-freezing weather in Yellowstone and melting weather in the Grand Canyon and didn't shower for days at a time. At the end of the trip we looked at each other and said "If we had more money we would go for another 3 weeks". Of course I knew I wanted to marry him long before then, but this experience made me realize that marriage would be the most wonderful adventure. 

Russell: Before proposing we had been together for 6 years and although we had normal ups and downs as any other couple does we only grew closer and stronger. I loved everything about her and I knew in my heart that there was nobody else that I would rather share the joys of life with.

3. What was the best piece of advise you received during your first year married?

Jaleen: Hmmm, we have heard it all: "Never go to bed angry", "Fight naked" etc. but my very favorite advice has been to make it a point to pray together. 

Russell: This came after we had been married over a year, but the best advice has been “Combine your bank accounts”. Although it was really practical it was extremely important. It wasn’t just a combining of finances but a change of perspective that removed separation and tension in our marriage.

4. What is your favorite thing about being married and why?

Jaleen: In my vows I said that Russell has this way of "showering me with love and putting me in my place all at the same time". I absolutely love the way that he still flirts with me, that he picks me up and hugs me every time he gets home from work, and all that other good stuff. However, the best part about being married is that my husband challenges me every day and we grow together through every life adjustment. 

Russell: I love the way she always challenges me and how I can approach every situation knowing that she will be there for me.

5. What is your fondest memory throughout your married years?

Jaleen: My fondest memory has been getting the keys to our tiny apartment in San Francisco, because we had no idea what opportunities would come out of our "new life". 

Russell: The day of our wedding was amazing. It stands out to be because we had been together for a while before getting married I didn’t think that marriage would change our relationship much. But marriage has been a great change and that day stands out with such significance and importance that I will never forget how perfect everything was on that day.

6. What is the biggest struggle you overcame in your marriage?

Jaleen: The biggest struggle and the biggest blessing has been moving to San Francisco. We are used to living in small towns, so moving to a city that neither of us new very well was culture shock. I will never forget Russell having to teach me how to ride Muni and BART. But we have come to view our relationship in a completely new and refreshing way. We are high school sweethearts, so after being together for 9 years you think you know each other inside and out. Getting a fresh start by moving to a big city and meeting new friends has challenged us to look at marriage differently.It has always been natural to treat him as my best friend, but now I have learned to view Russell as my husband. 

Russell: We have had quite a few struggles throughout our relationship. Many of our struggles came from changing situations and circumstances that arose. We moved to San Francisco after college and also wanted to start a family, two things which were completely foreign to us. We quickly realized that we had very little control and that God placed us in each situation for a reason. Communication and prayer were what held us together and helped us through each situation that arose.

7. At the end of a rough relationship day, what is the most important thing to remind yourself?

Jaleen: That the purpose of marriage is not happiness, but holiness. 

Russell: If we have had a disagreement I have to remind myself that no matter how much I believe I am right I need to try to see things from Jaleen’s point of view. Rarely are either of us 100% right about something. Overcoming rough patches is not done alone and selfish thoughts and motives doesn’t make crossing them any faster.

8. What advise would you give to others who are trying to make their love last forever? 

Jaleen: 1. Never stop being playful 2. TALK! 3. Find great friends to vent to. 

Russell: Marriage is not something that you can enter into to make yourself happy. Although you will find joy and happiness from your relationship and your spouse, but if that is what you rely on then it will be very difficult to face the rough moments of life when they happen.

9. Where is the most risque place you made whoopie? 

Jaleen: Hot springs? :)

Russell: (Russell is too shy to answer this one ;) ) - Jaleen 
I told you that you would love them! 
Please leave them some love via comment or like!! 

Thank you so much for sharing Jaleen and Russell!! 
You guys are way too awesome! 

Stay tuned for next weeks couple they are very near and dear to my heart!! 
***Spoiler Alert***
Let's just say I am seeing a trend with the hubby's being a little shy about the whoopie question but this next one takes a real interesting twist! 

Email me @ if you would like to participate in an interview!! 

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