Sooooo After cramming all these fantastic photos in this post, it came to my realization that I am obsessed with my husband. That's a good thing...right? Pretty much all the pictures I take are either of the hubs or of our Furbaby Carli. So... just a warning - If You Don't Want to See Pictures of Pat DO NOT Scroll Down-!! (There are some pics of me too obvi ;) )
LAST Weekend was very relaxing and wonderful! It started on Friday with Popcorn & Poison ;) (That's what I am calling soda again... yes AGAIN because in the 9th grade I did a scientific project called "Soda A.K.A. Poison" and my mom reminds me of this every time she sees me reaching for the devils black elixir) I am trying to stop drinking the elixir of life but the Hubs is an enabler... I mean he TEACHES enablers how to enable he's SO bad! When I am trying to lose weight the man brings home cupcakes! He does it out of the goodness of his heart, I know, but for heaven sake... Are you asking for a fat wife?!?! So OF COURSE he had just brought home a 6 pack of the good stuff so I couldn't possibly just throw it out! I mean there are starving and thirsty peeps out there! So I am drinking all the soda in our fridge like a camel guzzles water because I know that THIS TIME when it's gone... it's gone for good. Ughhhh... it hurt to type that, that was the first time that gut-wrenching thought was shared. Admittance is the first step... right? Or at least one of the steps...?
ANYWAY... we watched some creepy movie with ryan Gosling in it that I would not recommend watching... And that my friends is a FIRST because ANY movie with Ryan Gosling is worth watching... until I saw this one.
Carlita kept begging me to let her try the popcorn I burnt..(yup, so domestic that I burn popcorn:) ) So I gave her a piece..or two... or half the bowl!! Don't judge... she doesn't love me as much as she loves Pat so I am trying to win her love back any way possible and I am in NO way above playing dirty ;)
The next afternoon I met up with these Lovely Gals for a little Sip & Talk (my pun off Snip and Tuck... I know SO CLEVER!!)
We were fancy and ate Frittatas because that is what fancy people do; while my favorite Latina Nugget tossed her freshly ombred hairs... ^^ seen above in photo on left!
That night ( I Think it was that night at least... : /'s all starting to blur together! ) I made this amazing meal and totally Whoo'd the Hubs! It was a mushroom veggie pie... It was DAMN good and I am VERY proud, totally redeemed my popcorn burning self! YAY!
My next pie goal is pecan... OMGAWD I just gave myself the chills thinking about it!
On Sunday Morning we skipped off to church! Pat looked cute :)
At church we met my dear friend Natalie from high school , I really wish I got a pic of us but I was spacing out and didn't... NEXT TIME!
Later that afternoon we went to the park! (yes Pat changed his sweater LOL) We love this park because we have it all to ourselves... as you can see that is because it is CLOSED, BUT... they can't stop us! It is actually the baseball and soccer field at the La Jolla YMCA but we call it a park.
And when we leave there's no traces of Me, Pat, Or Carlita bc we ALWAYS pick up her droppings :) ^^ That's what the bag above is for!^^
In the Dugout ;)
Teaching Carlita to use the fountain... she was a little shy at first
It was a great weekend!! Lot's of time together and beautiful weather! Hope your weekends were just as fabulous!!